Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Baby steps....

 I've heard it time and time again. I've even done it time and time again. When you try to do too much at one time you are setting yourself up for failure. I truly believe this! Knowing this to be the case, but also knowing that I want to live a healthier and , yes, greener life, I have had to evaluate the changes I'd like to make and take them one at a time. Sometimes even breaking down the steps into smaller steps! For example:
    I decided to go Vegan ( I'll post more on this decision later). Some people called me brave, others called me crazy for simply deciding this on the spur of the moment and moving forward with that choice. I didn't plan out my transformation, I said it and I did it. So where others saw this as drastic and rash, I had really moving towards that for quite a while, I just didn't really know it.
   Months earlier I had started to introduce a wider array of fresh veggies into our diets. I moved further away from pasta and processed potatoes and began to use more rice and real potatoes with pasta on a rare occasion. I had also begun to cut back on my meat intake, opting for more veggies. I started buying more fruit, less sugar and tried to steer my family in a healthier, more natural direction. I had all but completely cut out processed foods and only clung to a few precious treats that I just wasn't willing to let go of yet. So when I announced, "I'm Vegan!", I hadn't really lost my mind!
   Baby steps are important. Just as a small child just learning to walk will stretch their leg out and sort of "test the water" before they take a step, we, too, make some changes to "test the water". With each step, the child becomes more confident, sure of his or hers balance. The destination may  not always be known at first, but with time, a goal is seen. We are just the same in our walk of life. We try a couple things, sometimes they work for us, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they start a chain reaction of changes and we are off running! We may slip, trip, fall, stumble and change course, but as long as we are moving forward, we are moving in the right direction!!

In The Beginning...

 God created us perfectly. He gave us everything necessary to be healthy and live long. Somewhere along the way, we lost touch. This blog is the tale of my journey to find that health once more and ensure that I will live a long life - barring freak occurrences  of course.
   For years I have dabbled in natural remedies and healing. Sure, I could list several things that one herb could help with, but that was just the tip of the iceberg lettuce so to speak. About a year ago, I was introduced to Principle Chiropractic. What the heck is that you ask? Most of the time when someone thinks about a chiropractor, they picture someone who simply pops backs and cracks necks. They think of someone who's job it is to make back pain go away. The truth may surprise you...
   D.D. Palmer was the world's first chiropractor in 1895. It was on September 18, 1895 that D.D. Palmer gave the first chiropractic adjustment to Mr. Harvey Lillard, returning his hearing. And so began the world of chiropractic care which looks to the spine for answers to the nervous system. You see, the brain connects the rest of the body via the super highway known as the nervous system. If there is interference with this system, such as a vertebra out of place putting pressure on the nerve, the signal is blocked and can not be sent nor received properly. This interference leads to sickness & disease. Now in modern day, you do find a lot of "pain clinic" chiropractors. You can usually tell those by their advertisements for pain & injury after car accidents and such. Unfortunately, they do make up the majority of today's chiropractors, but I believe that is changing! Principle Chiropractic is the practice of focusing on the nervous system to attain health through manual manipulations of the spine.
   It was when I learned this and became under the care of a Principle Chiropractor that I began to look at other natural ways to improve my health. This is a journal of sorts for that progress. I have already learned so much, changed so much and am still eager to learn more! Please note, the choices I have made and will tell you about, are choices I have made on my own. I do not impose my beliefs or convictions upon anyone. If you choose to take the same path as me, great! If not, that's ok too. We don't have to walk the exact way to still take a journey!
  I welcome all *positive* feedback & questions. You  know the old saying, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"! To express your own opinion, even if it's opposite of mine, that's fine. Just be nice about it!